Thursday, July 30, 2015


no shark's fins

when the mother came

to clear the dishes

she saw a single abalone

to be discarded

tilted the plate

and slid it back to the diner

"this tastes very good!"

she said to the diner


fearing    waste

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


migrant woman with strong scent
massages circles into my third eye

brother duck cheery as ever though
he's losing track of where i live
and what routes i take to get here

walk past afwm first date
his hair immaculate but out of place
her clothes tight fitting but body loose

lay off meat for the rest of the day
i bit my tongue which killed the conversation
a few taste buds and the freshness of drawn noodles

i run cross 11th to catch the 17
see the same bus driver
who doesn't say anything when i thank her

but i don't let it stop me
my bloody tongue thanks her

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

at the thing all early havin doubles

  young man

all week cause her
  madly now in love to
home city roads briefly

having one outside
  as she approached w/ gold brows
though people are too cowardly

all i wanted
  having figured
out need