Thursday, November 30, 2023

Millennial Dust (cont.)

silent and unsilent
about the pain of others
all I can do here
is reexamine our long
standing friendships
some of us who have 
want for nothing
can only criticize fantasies

talk about the same films from
America's heyday
even that name, America
sits in the past

at my one on one we talked about
Home Alone 1 and 2
and I thought it to a point sadistic
the way Kevin toyed with his invaders
and I thought of him not
as a victim but as a maniac

written by those who sought pleasure
from pain and we call that now
a classic tale of Christmas comedy

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Millennial Dust (cont.)

wounded, shuddering,
a child that is the source of blood
we'd been out,
a van pulls up
and out comes normal
               everyday people

a woman sits down
she catches her breath
lights a cigarette
artillery smoke fills
the reflection
of her thin sunglasses

my friend didn't get
the job he wanted
but it became a million poems
I wish I could take
those hardwritten poems
and fuck all you sons of whores
with 'em

I gave him my Heinekens
and some of those
fat blueberries from Wegmans
they're as big as grapes
he says

I saw an ad that made
me both horny and patriotic
anything but completing
my parent's Medicare

when I got word from my
mother that our relatives
abroad, a maternal uncle,
his wife, and two young
adult sons, successfully passed
their visa interview
a dull dread fell over me