Thursday, March 7, 2024

Millenial Dust (pt.4)

i won't pretend to understand suicide.
thich quang duc did not commit suicide.
he gave up his life in an attempt to save
others. like in an old buddhist tale, 
where the buddha would cut the flesh 
from his arm, down to the bone, 
to feed a starving animal. 
so what's it like, then, to be considered healthy and of sound mind, in a sick world?

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Millenial Dust (cont.)

Fruit from the Hawthorn tree
craggy, quickthorn
shame on these poems
and live comfortably
on the company

its all lies says Fat Joe
at least 95 percent of it
you lie in creativity
and brush back your hair
Dream Labor Dreams

my surgeon has a new boss
and she toss like a boss
I thought I'd go back to work-
work on a poem that is
170 pounds and Chinese
in its many forms

At the art museum I looked at a drawing
of a Chinese man, hands up over his ears,
he wore the queue hairstyle
called the Sandlot Riots of 1877
a violent three day attack
on SF's Chinatown

at a labor rally organized
by the Workingmen's Party
now the Socialist Labor Party
I wake up from my Labor dream
my surgeon is now my boss
my boss of white light and she pulls
out my heart and lungs
but a poem in my fist

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Millenial Dust (cont.)

silent and unsilent
about the pain of others
all I can do here
is reexamine our long standing
some of us who have 
want for nothing
can only criticize fantasies

talk about the same films from
America's heyday
even that term, America
sits in the past

at my one on one we talked about
Home Alone 1 and 2
and I thought it to a point sadistic
the way Kevin toyed with his invaders
and I thought of him not
as a victim but as a maniac

written by those who sought pleasure
from pain and we call that now
a classic tale of Christmas comedy

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Millenial Dust (cont.)

wounded, shuddering,
a child that is the source of blood
we'd been out,
a van pulls up
and out comes normal
               everyday people

a woman sits down
she catches her breath
lights a cigarette
artillery smoke fills
the reflection
of her thin sunglasses

my friend didn't get
the job he wanted
but it became a million poems
I wish I could take
those hardwritten poems
and fuck all you sons of whores
with 'em

I gave him my Heinekens
and some of those
fat blueberries from Wegmans
they're as big as grapes
he says

I saw an ad that made
me both horny and patriotic
anything but completing
my parent's Medicare

when I got word from my
mother that our relatives
abroad, a maternal uncle,
his wife, and two young
adult sons, successfully passed
their visa interview
a dull dread fell over me

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Millenial Dust

The night is a beautiful night––
I let go of yr hands as
you cross the room toward
                        the light

my face is flush and wild with flowers
I'm drunk on the brain like a
poem in a new used book
and before morning I'll be
swollen with love

I want to give someone
a recommendation for a volcano
but I've never been
to the islands


Generations of Color

there I am and here we are
generations of color
might ween us
and like all mustered
feminine power

and all we have to do is
destroy the legacy of
until then I might
be nowhere with you

you can have whiskey and
Portuguese donuts––
and the body is still here
loose, whip-like,
and itching with the new
generational love drive––
not death––
it's own thing

Thursday, July 21, 2022

old light

you read old light,
take sips of smoke,
yellow gatorade then yr
stomach turns
it's all making yr own
linguine in one end,
poems out the other
a flea market in the
lot of yr father's union hall
Local 19,
like that old swap 'n' shop
across the bridge 
an ocean then,
bought the swords and the

it sits like a menacing
joke in the corner
of the bedroom

the point is I've gotta
create a drawing for the
front cover of ryan's

while my beautiful
fiancĂ©e rides 
the stationary bike

my neck is a thousand

Monday, May 2, 2022

new poem

another hard day at the wawa mines
a 12-hour shift makes the mind mush
an 8-hour shift makes the body crumple
graphic designer or laborer it doesn't matter
i turn off the computer to turn on another
and in a spell i read several poems by warren and cindy
it makes me remember for a moment how to be a person
and of course my instinct is to take a photo of one of their poems
and post it to my instagram stories since it's the way
i keep in touch with most of you
and when i see that you're the first to view it
it makes me want to write this poem

Monday, April 5, 2021

there's a lemon behind that cat

Two rocks fell into our backyard
each rock was partially painted
as if they broke off from a mural
but I don't know if they came from the same place

the rocks sit on the table outside
which is covered with lemon-patterned cloth
one night during dinner, I looked out of the window
at the two rocks and worried

that Orphea the cat may hurt herself
when she jumps down from the wall to the table
where she suns herself
a black cat rolling on yellow lemons

Monday, May 4, 2020


think of what you'll write
in one thousand years
think of the unbearable art

in the urge to create I stumble
before I hit the ground
I make Falling art

but now I'm old
and Falling hurts
more than it did

Thursday, March 12, 2020


it's okay
i work
better from home
i've seen the sea
on both sides
had my feet in 'em
dreamt up friends
who then came
and gave me love
if you crouch
the wind passes over
because you are not there
to resist as smoke curls,
streams, and pirouettes

Saturday, December 22, 2018

work poem

the toes go first
i'm looking down
i'm looking down
you're zipping up
i tell you about
scarf tying techniques
kung fu and ping pong
they're not stereotypes they're true
i shake my head in the wind like an early human
and shake up the hot hands in my pocket
looks like i'm masturbating
to stay warm
a group of white men
guffaw over the homoerotic statuette
and say this is an awful place

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


What of writing
that does not touch you?
I am inside the sun
and all touches me.
In my narrow line of life
I dream up all the splinters.
Waking quietly
walking outside
chewing still night
and rubbing my chest
over my heart
where pain dulled.

Friday, June 8, 2018

cookis for breakfuss

And the very best thing of all
there's a
counter on this ball
so skip it, skipit

two zingers four dollar tacos
vaguely that night i became less serious
even if i could've come back that day
paper of the same thickness

what an odd method
i reach into this bag
and put paper in my mouth
two times i took one
but it was homework

so whip it, whippet good
i sat on sunset stoop
make sure i can't leave
bring a friend, something
dumb in the short term

now regular unemployed
tendency to giggle job
work at temple
necronomicon job

never sounds like the moments
that come out of my mouth
couldn't get through the holes
couldn't get past their eyes

all night falls on a red brown house
it pisses itself from the central air
and gets dwarfed over the years
with more friends around the corners

Thursday, May 17, 2018


At her party
there were
t   e   n   m   e   n
to each woman
and there were two women
he sold vinyl and pretended
to ask me the question,
"isn't poetry dead?"
but I'm not

Sunday, December 10, 2017

this poem instead of the book

there is nothing but the book.
you must make the book.
the book is godly.
the book is human.
the book shows and the book tells.
the book will repulse and the book will compel.
the book will gather and the book will leave you.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


if I shy away a shutter sounds somewhere
point breeze partly sunny partly trash bag
on wotans day november 15 high of 53
low of 46, not bad, it'll hold throughout the week
60 minute ale, catch my phone before it hits the floor
the envelope falls too and hides its face
renew my driver's license before my 30th birthday
January 14

do you think we're right on track
for a new dark age of humanity
some 26 thousand years

is life imitating art supplies
or am I worrying the mother
at AC Moore trying to get watercolor paper
this one is 140 lb for only a quarter more than the 90 lb
this is actually just for a child

actually I
was a child once
who painted

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

the eye

flume shadow split in two
dark and tad darker
knuckles one and two
by the window nov 8
I stand up to see
on Wotan's day
not a single right angle
on a south Philly row
elephant's ear caught my eye
I scratch it on the pad

Monday, November 6, 2017

the mop

eleven eleven
I'm a bed dancer
fleece on my belly
that's all I need now
she gives me the mop
I love it, I tell her give me the mop
I love it when I get the mop
from her
she drags her wet cool hair
slowly down my chest
she thinks the mop
isn't the best name for that
I admit to her
it ain't sensual

Thursday, November 2, 2017

barnes, joe's

Borf borf. I'm
yr huggy bear.

It's like
Steve Jobs
the Lakers

Someone to
come home
to, to
make me

Man says 'that
coffee spot...
on Market Street.'

A small tree
bends in the
I waiting for
the right time to
go into work.
It's a Monday
and it's fall in

I store all the
work in my belly
that's why.

I take a 15 minute
break to kill myself.

He wasn't slowing
he was movin' fast
like a glance
at an attractive

the lights at
home remain off
I'm a token short
a bus behind
someone wishes it
was Friday

hot cider
follows new
one long bulb hangs
like the ash
off my cigarette.
don't get bored
just yet
check the tracker
there's no tax
no tag hanging
off of you

I'm gonna leave
for the pyramids
we are closer to
the age of
Cleopatra than
she was to the
age of the pyramids.

if I wear a
dress to the Barnes
how will I play
ping pong afterwards

I've looked at
the photos,
it's not a bad

Grow up in this
country with the
idea of inferiority

you watch a
sitcom and get

it's a meat
the ratio is off
a meat market
for ppl tired of
the bars.

meek cuts thru
rottenhouse pork.

Sunday, October 22, 2017


laid in the rec field with a keyboard
yes no yes no
it was a very strange childhood
yes no yes no
i would definitely do it again
yes no yes no
not as fun as psilocybin
not big lots
i don't remember the sunday flute
to the hurricane i wore a tie and suit
barely paying attention to this can of worms
you know what that was?
that was a multi-level pyramid scheme
it's also a single mother and her daughter
in the form of a health shake
so put a glass mug in the freezer
i'm crazy for wanting to know how it feels
my laceless boots have cherry heels
when you do sound you don't have to listen to people
let me end that sentence for you
settle back into an easy rhythm
wait for my cue when i hear my name
\ nonsense is a creamy kiss in this environment
some years down the line
they'll ask you about that project
that got away, that drifted off
you're still employed
and you live on a mountain
yr hair grey
like the

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Job Poems


the poor line
my poor tea m but
god I love this tea m
I love these people
I love this job
this job I tell em
ignore the voicemail I left
it said to use up an hour of pto
if I'm late
I'm late because some young woman
darted out in front of the double 17
this bus'll blow you apart
but she had to make it
to the starbucks
she had to flip
the driver the bird
while grinning having just cheated death
and I'm gripping a jerk
nearly broke my teeth
the director wanted to meet
he set a time but not a place
I said yes I'll meet you at no place
and after I'll get these sutures out my mouth
I'll even keep the sutures in
for a job I'll grow a new tooth
just not on delaware Ave
I cross over the tracks
I walk a mile in these boots
then return them at Nordstrom Rack
the new receptionist knows I'm there
without looking at my face.


the first word is her bosom
the second word is watching
sam jackson sing for capital one
when I close the Gregory Corso tab
I furret through his garbage
run out on the chance of fucking his wife
is it Ah-re-chi-bo or Ah-re-see-beau
either way no one is responding
just mortal farts of stars and moons
all the beats wrote of cum
they saw dead men in their silver dollars
I flipped and made a two-faced decision
I help out a man and in the wreckage of his work
he identifies me as the sole arbiter of his misery
now mrs. so and so cannot get her property tax rebate
I make suggestions in the LED quiet
every night I greet a new custodian
Maria was in an auto accident
I think of her
Oronde is a painter, but you would never know that
because he emptied yr waste basket once
you didn't say a word
and you never saw him again


I fear no holy congressman cumming on his phone
$300 slacks pancakes over whole-cut balmorals
on a beautiful marble floor rife with piss and shit
as those two are forever in matrimony
regret sending messages to the sky
is the same as quickly cutting off eye contact
man is a cigarette wedged in the recess of an ashtray
he'll melt if you press him hard enough
at the end of my shift I place three packs of mustard
one pack of soy sauce neatly at the edge of my desk
and cover both monitors with a large white sheet of paper
it says "work" over monitor 1
and "work" over monitor 2
they are effectively my eyes for 9.5 hours
the air conditioner sounds like leaves in fall wind
the leaves in fall wind sound like car horns in rain
the rain smells like the lover I haven't earned
at the potluck I spy the last piece of fried chicken
being polite I begin wedging a plastic knife into it
and Shanice says, "Quyen, if you don't eat that
whole piece of chicken..."


breakfuss is a mad bus dash, bus dust
stranger accordion make its slinky way to work
so find yrself a morning partner
coffee is a black growlwl and sugar a soot belchc
I feel it up to my ears when I tip over
there's a Keurig river in Guatemala
its inhabitants stare dumbfounded
but you know nothing when you live upstream
the word "Inspire" is on the counter
but I can only see the "ire"
you only keep the veil up so long
until the thermos sputters "fuck you, make more"
I'll make more until my lunar birthday
my legal sex is getting thrown through plate glass
I'm the people of the future you wrote of
I'm a sledgehammer away from every token in the system
you'll keep an eye out though won't you?
I see it coming now I rush through rottenhouse pork
as a shortcut and beaming I pinch a coin and say

Saturday, September 16, 2017


i don't know
i don't say
i just put thumbs
in his sockets
spin and toss him
like italian master da spinci
come on give
me sleep cycles
or give
me consumer fireworks
deep house
mr crackle
i'm on my nap couch
writing a dan poem
feeling damn solemn
reaching my pentacle
gag on the pinnacle
cool whip yr property
a man is on yr property
shoot him with america
eat him out of health
through selfless window self
push push push push push
if you'd only fuck with it a little
i wouldn't have to write it
mother tears on my shoulder

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

well traveled

toward heaven
un C yr spine
T it up
W sugar
an empire
take breaths
+$4.00 add avocado
cancel this avocado now
and accept surcharge
avocado has been en route
for over five minutes


pump those
lil legs
her thigh
in denim
round and
round for
middle way
eco mode
on the
and the
real wine
freak storm
chased us
if I die now
I left
a clean car

Monday, September 4, 2017


didn't know he was an actual artist
til i came across this
trick is you gotta print it
ephemeral screech fan
a window is a box for a fan
a box is a window into anywhere
hand me ash children
don't drink IPAs but now that you have one
a learning lesson gets lighter
it's between that box and a joint and fine art
a buncha likes floating around a kitchen for fourth of july
in front of the hair spot promised land
what are you doing for the fourth
cats are dead half the time
i get it it's day four philadelphia projexts
everybody just clicks
there's no applauding to make sense
give me those fucking lasers
80 years if i'm lucky isn't


O thar she blo suh
the arrival of plants on land
the arrival of fur-bearers
the french the british the americans
came for riches
stayed in their niches
moved their heads independently
pointing their jaws
call it innovation
i make my neck move
tectonic patterns put out models
put out good models of suvs
i'm a low-fin fish
here's my low fin
called a limb now
some weirdo in a library
in the lab early
we all have a humerus
let's bend together and allow
let's punt around and be nice
now we're on land
feeling it

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


Life is a lark
in Willow Grove park
old woman on the bus
black woman is the spark
she found joy in the babe
her eyes and her smile
small grasping hands
the coo of a child
pale skin and blushed cheek
old and young and
I in between
when we cross to the end
we'll wind up at the start
because life is a lark
in Willow Grove park

Monday, August 21, 2017


I am window
with bars and lace
and pink secret
black petroleum
bucket of bay mussels
rotting in August sun

I am foreign
banana plant
from seed
Auntie slips me
an envelope
inside is a
hundred dollar bill
for helping her
file weekly

I accept with
both hands
it's too much
Today the
sun'll be eclipsed
but I cannot see
so I sit in the
small yard
smoking just to keep
everything off of me

Nothing of sixteen
was sweet
crack thru black
metal guardian
crack top heineken
with my thumb
always a man yells
somewhere over
the wall

the walls are
like amendments
between people
and their words,
strawberry stamp
a thank you
note for little
younger you and I

push a cart
onto a corner
to drink tea
  build up
strangers by the
sidewalk --
a pavilion erected
on vine holds
no chess games
just mates

I know
what has
happened to
my vision --
when I speak
to you I am
left dazzled
can only hear
a single white
beater reflecting
sun on a line

vast elephant
weed becomes
a tree through
neglect --
and so father
must climb and
cut and chop
while white
neighbors through
branches peek

now it's over
the roof
so now it's
too late
to unroot!
while I
sweat the
grasshopper eats

Sunday, August 13, 2017

dreamt song

The world is sick. We must not say so.
After all, a muzzle flashes, the world web burns,
we the people flash and burn,
and moreover my father told me as a boy,
in Cantonese, in good weather
do we find wood for the rain.

Now violet evening I feel it pouring
out of our eyes and mouth.
The twin Comcast tower is a drag,
and somewhere underground, a man
has an entire rotisserie chicken
to himself.

At 18th and Fed I run a five buck tab,
this tiny sardine my escapism,
chopped lettuce mayo anna pickle
I step outside to feel no trickle
but the tailwind of the double 17
think, "call 215 GET-A-CAB".

Monday, July 24, 2017


Rise on empty
no Chivas no Dunhills
Marlboro & Grapefruit
Besaid Island alarm
Taeko Onuki's Copine
South Jersey Metal's conditions
lead me to Woodbury, Deptford, and back
route 41 pitch black
solemn and stoic in chartreuse
I am my father's angel
in that I make sure
he doesn't work himself to death
sippin' on his tiny soda
starin' at his headlights in my rearview
Walt Whitman before me

Thursday, June 29, 2017


Jafar came to the west end
of Rottenhouse Pork
for the sun he says
found me with it
the universe is mental
and with it
what do we know is real
I reply
the I
yes he sits up
brings out a shiny red pocket trumpet
not the cornet
waiting to be repaired
see this woman
woman and man
sitting with their newborn
across from us
how do you refer to yourself?
I'm sitting on this park bench
right -- I
he tests the pocket trumpet's range
plays a couple old songs
some of which I recognize
yet the names aren't there
as my name isn't there
escaped him again
that's fine
knowing the name of something
doesn't mean you know anything anyway
that's Feynman
I sketch him as he plays
until the sun disappears
behind the apartments
now it's cold
he stops
says I have a good hand
I say we both do
different ways
he says
alright brother
we bump
shake each other by the forearms
remind him of my name
we part once again
I consider going home
but instead went to Barnes & Noble
across the street to piss
read a tiny Ginsberg book
and wrote

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


painting a clementine
is like
oh so go-
the light when the day goes
holding him by rope
holding everything for my father
shining light onto him
onto whatever he sees
when the light goes
the labor of clementine
in my right synthetic sable
my left the very real fruit

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

well I

weight!  less
fresh fruit
ew mean to tale me
and  You nobody
groan love me

when day go la la
date grow fine meat
I reach my maximum
cries, answer, cries, answer, cries
           answer, cries

Identity cries sis
everything goes with the river

and the cars
the smoke
red brick

red black
cries sis of my heart
all swell that end swell
well I swell fat

Wednesday, May 10, 2017


too bad nobody likes poetry
said my old teacher
he sent me Maged Zaher's poems
and after reading one 
I thought about you,
reincarnated as a buttery cake
I asked but you weren't sure about reincarnation
it's tied into the caste system !
damn, I hadn't even thought of that
I thought of the second line
of what the cats said in Lady and the Tramp,
"We are Siamese if you don't please"
I repeated this line in my head
shit made no sense to me
I tucked myself into your hip tat
into Madonna's Material Girl
when you do your stretches
all of a sudden
I'm the best personal trainer
I'm your personal trainer
I'm Siamese if you please
I'm Siamese if you don't please
whatever the fuck it means

Monday, April 10, 2017


      U prefer
the personal
touch that U
can only get
with hired goons
the doctor was
randomly selected
by a blind algorithm
and a black hand
put yr head right
 the fuck here
for Us
dragimout like
a blood lemon
Attention all
our pilot is
having a seizure,
is anyone on board
a doctor?
yeh, yall fucked him
 up real gook
he's in the corner
kill me.
just kill
me. just
kill me.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Inside the Chest

The man didn't know how heavy one stepped without the presence of floorboards. All the times he was outdoors, whether on concrete sidewalks, linoleumed floors of both massive and humble institutions, or the uneven ground of the forests, everyone he knew stepped weightlessly. The clicks of heels, the squeaks of sneakers, or the slapping of sandals on dirt, none of which ever gave him pause to think on how much weight a human being carried in their footsteps.

Just one of the many things that reminded him daily on how peaceful it would be to not have to live with other people. The floorboards of the old South Philadelphia row home, a three-story house, once a rarity on the block, squelched, creaked, and thundered at all hours of the evening. On the days that he never left his room, writing in silence, he imagined living with a baby rhinoceros, that from time to time would have to tumble awkwardly down the stairs to get food and water from the kitchen. His mind would trace the baby rhinoceros's path back up the stairs and into its room, as if he were using echolocation.

The day was a bust, if he had to describe it. A bust for creative endeavors. He drew in ink a large Japanese-style bottle of beer and a little glass beside it, full with its fizzy head. Beside the glass, a simple sandwich of lettuce and tomato. No one would even know that the bread had a cream cheese spread, let alone the kind of cream cheese that has chives, he thought. Details like this are either always impossible to convey on behalf of the artist or impossible to detect on behalf of the observer. To anybody else, this was a lettuce and tomato sandwich. To him, it was a lettuce and tomato sandwich with cream cheese and chives.

He capped his pen in resignation and pumped some hot water from his thermos into a mug of green tea leaves. Sipping it, he thought of a television series he had recently come to love -- Samurai Gourmet. In one episode, the protagonist, having volunteered to be an extra on a film set, looking forward to a free catered lunch, is told a story by a much more experienced extra about the famed director Akira Kurosawa. Supposedly, during a shoot, Kurosawa had placed a prop within a chest that was completely off-screen. That prop, he thought, was the same as the cream cheese with chives on the inside of his lettuce and tomato sandwich.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


my orange rose hangs to dry
crisp to the finger and ear

today my body is still yellow
purple and red

nothing should be done
but to let my bruises fade

Thursday, January 5, 2017


to not have
sock showing
how you choose a
seat to how
you hold yr hands
when passing by an
attractive group of
ppl sitting on a
park bench - the
evening is overcast
and I sit down
on my second choice
and say to myself
don't go home
just yet - sit
down - have a
good seat and
write a damn
poem already,
it has been
months -
ESOL manifest
ESOL is having the tools
but not the words -
ESOL is sitting
inside an autosaved doc
ESOL is shrinkwrap
boiled eggs for
a holiday you've
yet to understand
ESOL is doing it
to assimilate -
I've forgotten
to take time again
like my once favorite loaf -
ESOL is an
approaching dribble
and not having
anyone willing to
teach, or to only
receive coach cards
because your gay black
friend didn't think
you cared enough
about football anyway
to want to have a
Deion Sanders or a
Randall Cunningham or
whoever the hell that
was who played for
the Minnesota Vikings
you decide that
was your favorite team.
never have a
clear idea
of Minnesota
in that era - or
maybe you gravitated
toward the color purple
color of royalty,
they say -
but whose royalty?
Not here -
it must've been your
friend's influence
it must've been him
swimming round yr
parent's porch on
A St with the
ball under his arm
asking for you.
ESOL is stealing a
particularly brilliant
marble, only to
stand up and hear
the click on concrete
from where you clumsily
stashed it in yr shorts
grandfather saw

red see

If you're horrified by
Aleppo, give a gift to inspire
Unwrap Speed
Quyen Nghiem, not I,
replied to a comment on this
bring Russian style
kleptocracy to the US,
add salted egg yolk
and you'll get the Big
Mac secret sauce
sauce pls I'm a
little vulnerable now,
why haven't you yet
tumblrized yr sexuality?
Would you like another
martini and talk
about martinis
or wheeling you around
the dance floor
I'll make you two promises,
a very good steak that's
medium rare and the
truth which is very rare
I am not a sore loser,
we are not sore losers,
but I know what can
be gained by losing,
and I'm damn sure
using this 76% off
comprehensive online course
eat com suon out of
squatting pot of
mama ramen
look to the east
after Doanh
and close my eyes

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


at night i sit alone
i think about my team
i share their joys and sorrows

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

iron bar shortcut

     there's one way to become a comedian - it's thru this poem
come         through Feltonville they'll say we didn't know him
By stood       on my porch offering touch football
half in the            shade that concrete space a place to feel tall
white sun glazed                faded Korean store Hershey's sign
on the corner with some            quarters Pepsi-Kona TV time
cola-coffee sweet like Toffey             buy a composition book
a helping hand from the owner's kid     just like me he looked
Kev in the clouds after public pool ramen        in metal bowls
lotta pepper on that oyeh two bags from the         corner store
can't swim cuz girl took a shit and didn't clean her           butt
weekdays was good morning weekends was what's up
stay together young lovers that was mom and dad
her crying on a blue stoop never saw anyone that sad
and when I go back I get the feeling that I've never left
realize worse things in this life and the next to accept

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

e. loudon (for mei)


beautiful    as this country
that bears yr name

took a ride with me on the blvd
from C st to Holme Ave
to find three nail guns in my father's garage

when the old neighbors died
eldest aunt bought the place
rife with americana

 in the basement Smith-Coronas
multiple plaques from Adams Lanes
two Super 8's in their case, a juke

I was there to help my father
stucco Mary's second story
then got her life story

she was from Yugoslavia
stuffed a grocery bag of peppers
                                from her garden

into my arms
and kissed me

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


my god am i itchy
an itchy boy
can't itch it
beb sez cuz
that's how she sez it
i say it's scratch not itch
you don't itch an itch
you scratch it
though i can't scratch it
just gotta write it

aspects of the pulse

The pulse should be taken
at the calm dawn
when the yin energy
has yet to stir
and the yang energy
has yet to disperse
food and drink have
yet to be taken
and the vessel channels are
not yet overly active
whether the five depots
are in surplus or deficient
whether the six palaces
are strong or weak
outside hammer on wood
man murmurs to man
dog yelps to dog
bird chirps to bird
the gray sky is blinding
observing silently
the essence-brilliance
I am overflowing
with the urge to leave
a little legacy

                              (huangdi neijing / yellow emperor's inner canon)

Saturday, October 1, 2016


" you women --
who loved me for that small, hesitating
love for you I always veered from,
because I felt the realm in your faces "

ah! you wrote to me at such a time,
it finally became October, the month
which marks all the important birthdays to come

thank you for this gift
the changing of the season opportune
to ponder what could be, to reminisce 

a time to reflect
on my own thirst for being desired
and that knowledge of being desired is enough

Thursday, September 1, 2016

end of summer

if you cast that lure, what'll you get?
i was on the line, of course, a hound
the crushed lime in yr drink
but you'll fail, they always fail, she said

when i stopped at the recently trimmed hedge
i threw myself in it, caressing it all over
having a sudden bad idea, i was so caught
up in all senses, its rough pliability,

yr fragrance, and that of the foliage
seeing a man out of the corner of my eye
where no one should be, and turning
that eye onto ourselves

i realized i had no belonging here
and so having left myself bare
in the cool dark morning that ended summer
i allowed others to find my way home

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

his story of the blues (L.H.)

O the sun is so hot
and the day is so doggone long
Yes the sun is so hot
and the day is so doggone long
and that's the reason
I'm singin' this doggone song

Sunday, July 17, 2016