Wednesday, December 18, 2024

true western

is the sexy shooter going to unite 

the left and the right? she texts

i've got a headache from waking 

up between news cycles

my director puts me on 

the spot in a virtual meeting

he asks me to tell a joke 

and i tell him my hourly wage

everyone laughs 

with their audio muted

everything has spread 

itself out in front of me 

like a complex menu

i take the bits and pieces, 

chew em up and shit out views

remember Colin Powell 

went on national tv and said 

that the enemy could be right 

within our own country

i don't want ownership

i just want to figure out 

how to keep writing

for myself and the few 

people who read me

it's no big secret, it's no big 

secret that we love

a white man with guns

when they shoot the way 

we want them to shoot

what do U.S. presidents 

and the CEO shooter

have in common? 

they both like McDonald's

but no one laughs

and each screen goes dark